Research Area

Ashutosh Dubey

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Object Oriented Programming questions(Revision-1)

  1. What is object-oriented programmin?How it is diffrent from POP.
  2. Benifit and Risk of OOPM.
  3. How does OO approach differ from Object-based approach.
  4. Flowchart in OOPM.
  5. Diffrence between active and passive object.
  6. Data Abstraction.Diffrent forms of abstraction.
  7. What is meant by data encapsulation?What are its advantage.
  8. Compare global,automatic and static objects.Write a program in c++ to demonstrate the creation and use of dynamic objects.
  9. Dynamic and automatic variable.
  10. Write a short note on object interactions(message passing).
  11. What is class ?how does it accomplish data hiding.
  12. Explain hierarchy of class with examples.
  13. What are diffrent varities of classes.
  14. What are member functions?how can you define member functions?
  15. What are diffrent categories of member function in c++?
  16. What are static data member?how are they declared.Write a program to display the use of static data members.
  17. When do you declare a member of class static.
  18. What is inline function.explain by giving example.write pros and cons.
  19. Explain how an object can be returned from a function with an example.
  20. What is friend function.Explain with example.Write pros and cons.
  21. What is meant by nesting of member function.explain by example.
  22. What is constructor and destructor explain by example.write pros and cons.
  23. what is global constructor and destructor.
  24. Is it mandatory to use constructors in a class?
  25. What is the importance of copy constructor.Explain by proper example.

Ashutosh Kumar Dubey

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