Research Area

Ashutosh Dubey

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Revision 2

  1. What are the diffrent types of constructors available in C++?Write a program that includes all varities of constructors in it and also display the use of each one.
  2. What is friend function?Explain by example.When is it compulsary?= operator cannot be overloaded by using friend function.
  3. What is abstract class and why it is needed.What restrictions are there on these classes.
  4. Discuss about metod lookup.
  5. What is inheritance?Explain about diffrent forms of it by giving examples.
  6. What do you mean by reusability?how it is useful?Discuss it in case of C++.
  7. Explain Inherited metod and overriding by example.
  8. What are redefined metod.
  9. What are visibility modes.
  10. Why are protected members said to be "inhertance ready".
  11. How can base class protect derioved classes so that changes to the base class will not affect them.
  12. What is an abstract base class.What is its use.
  13. Explain virtual inheritance(Disinheritance) in C++.
  14. What is a container?What are its diffrent types.
  15. What is containership?How does it differ from inheritance.
  16. Write short note on multiple and multilevel inheritance.
  17. How the ambiguity arises in multiple inheritance.
  18. What are virtual base class.How it overcome the disadvantage of multiple inheritance.
  19. What is generic functions.
  20. How will you identify objects and classes in your surrounding.
  21. What are the diffrent elements of object model.
  22. Explain class and object diagram.
  23. What do you understand by aggregation.
  24. compare aggregation and inheritance.Explain the properties of aggregation.Types of aggregation.
  25. Explain generalization and association.also types of association.

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