Research Area

Ashutosh Dubey

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Revision 3

  1. Discuss about polymorphism and how it is achieved at compile time and run time.
  2. What is function polymorphism.
  3. What is operator overloading?What are the rules for overloading operators.
  4. What are the limitation of overloaded operator functions.Write a program in c++ to overload unary operator using friend function.
  5. What is parametric overloading.
  6. Define and explain virtual function.What are rules for virtual function.
  7. What is pure virtual function.Why do you need them and how they defined.
  8. What do you mean by dynamic binding?how it is useful in OOP.
  9. Compare assignment andf initialization.
  10. Define a class to represent distance in feetand inch.Write a c++ program to add two distance object taken from keyboard.use operator overloading.
  11. Write a program in c++ using class to add two distance entered in feet and inches and store the result in third distance.pass two distances as argument to a function and the function should return the added distanc e.use required constructor and destructor.
  12. create a class callled distance containg data members,meter,centimeter and milimeter.overload unary operator ++ and --relative to distance class using member function.write a program to include this class and display the result of ++ and -- operation.
  13. Write a program to read and write a complex numberp where p=a+ib.Here a is the real part of a complex number and b is the imaginary part of the complex number and i is a square root of -1.
  14. Write a class description for complex numbers.Write methods for addition,subtraction and multiplication of complex number.
  15. Overload = = , +,++ operator.
  16. Write a program in C++ to overload a function AREA() to calculate the area of triangle,square and rectanle.

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