Research Area

Ashutosh Dubey

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


  1. What do you understand by class and object explain by example.
  2. Discuss about the memory requirements for data members and accessor functions of objects of a class.
  3. What  is object pointer.
  4. What is this pointer with one example in contex of c++.
  5. What is this pointer.
  6. Discuss copy constructor.
  7. What are mandatory profiles.
  8. What is message passing.
  9. What is meant by default argument in c++?Write a small program to demonstrate its use.What are the limitation and advantages by example.
  10. Write short note on parameter passing in c++.
  11. Explain parameter passing.
  12. Define the class called cricket that will describe following information- player name,team name,batting average.Using cricket,declare an array player with 50 elements and a c++ program to read the information about all the 50 players and print a teamwise list containing names of players with their batting average.
  13. Write a program using class pointer to read 20 strings each containing maximum 20 characters.Write a member function that arranges these in alphabetical order and print the alphabetically arranged list.
  14. Diffrence between C and C++.
  15. Explain how memory allocation failure can be handled in C++.
  16. When do you need to include stdarg.h file in your c++ program.
  17. Define I/O system in brief.What are c++ streams.Explain the I/O stream classes.
  18. What are the two ways to formatting output information in c++.
  19. What is file mode.Describe the various file mode options available.
  20. What is template.Explain function and class template.
  21. What is Exception?How can exceptions be handled in C++.

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